Saturday, January 12, 2013

little children.

We pulled up to the big iron gate in the car and pushed the button to announce our arrival. About a minute later, we could hear them behind the gate, murmurs and giggles turning into all-out hoots and hollers. A tiny hand reached through the side and wiggled its fingers. “MISS MELISSAAA!”  two or three shouted from the other side, to which Melissa in our car replied, “We’re coooming!” At last, a sun-weathered, kind-eyed older man pulled back the metal entrance and the car crept slowly into the drive. Little ones were everywhere, their noses running and mouths laughing and eyes alive with excitement because there were visitors! There were children immediately there to greet us when we stepped out of the car, and we saw others running for us without a hint of hesitation. My heart melted like a stick of butter in a microwave when I looked over and witnessed my husband get attack-hugged by three little boys screaming ‘Hola! Hola!’ He bent down and a little guy clasped little hands behind his neck and hugged Zach like he’d been waiting to see him his whole 6 years of life. Tears stung my eyes. How quick they were to love! 

I’ll never know all their stories, or where their mommies and daddies are, but in that moment I was completely overwhelmed at how children are so eager to love and play and cuddle and laugh, even these children who, at such a vulnerable age, have already experienced the world as a dark place at some time or other. I praise Jesus that they are here now, getting to run and chase and be silly and eat snacks and learn how to make their beds like normal kids. And I praise Jesus because I could almost feel His love for them within my own chest; I felt like I was going to explode. I know how much God loves children; I could feel it when they hugged me tight and even when one started bawling in my arms. I want to BE like one, like a child who is so quick to love and trust and wonder. Quick to jump in His lap to rest, quick to seek comfort when I’m afraid or hurt, quick to run to Him in joy when something amazing happens. And always being curious and wanting to know more.

I will try not to grow into too old and serious and independent of a woman, because I think what Jesus delights in most is a childlikeness. He is pleased when we grow and mature, and we must, but if we can keep that rowdy childlikeness within our hearts, we will see God. For He said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14) 

1 comment:

  1. This is so great! I love what you two are doing and hope I can take part in that someday. They're so happy you're there! :)
