Thursday, November 8, 2012

the thankful post.

It is weird to look at the calendar that hangs on our bedroom wall and realize that our time in Spain is well over half-way through.  Stranger yet to think that in less than 2 months Zach and I will be on another plane, one bound for Guatemala. What a crazy year this is! Incredibly grateful for it. If anyone would have told me 5 years ago that my 22nd year of life would have taken such a twist, I would have said SHUT. UP.

I’m noticing an I’m Thankful For trend that’s spread over facebook lately. That’s pretty cool, I guess. I’m convinced that a heart full of thankfulness opens up the windows of heaven, the door to His treasures— true riches like joy, and peace. Gratitude enables me to perceive God more clearly and to rejoice in the all-fulfilling relationship we have together. I have a HUGE list of thankfuls; they seem countless—as I know yours are too! My number one is for the life I know in Christ and the glorious adventure He has taken me on as His follower. Life in Christ means He is always doing something new in me. Now, that can be exciting, and that can also be scary! But if it means getting to know Him in greater depth and breadth, then heck yes Jesus, show me the way.

Other things I’m grateful for lately:
·         The best friend I have in Zachary. What’s more is that we’re also lovers. Lucky me:)
·         Rain boots and my umbrella, as it’s been raining almost every day for a couple of weeks.
·         Health! Besides some upset stomachs here and there, we haven’t fallen ill once on this trip.
·         Diverse people that color our planet and teach us things we'd otherwise have been blind to had we not stepped outside our front doors.
·         The hard things, the struggles, the questions. All these shape me and give me opportunity to give up my control and instead, trust.
·         Puppies.
·         The fact that Christmas is right around the corner which means GOING HOME to heated houses and sugar cookies and the faces and embraces of the people we love fiercely.
·         America and Obama and all our other leaders.
·         All the opportunities to hear and practice Spanish every day.
·         Having a job in Spain!
·         Time. I have so much time. Some days it gets annoying, but I’ve learned to see it as a gift from God. In my spare time I’ve got to read so much! For my own interests, too, not just textbooks—hallelujah.
·         Grace. I’ve needed a lot of that lately.

Woohoo! That felt good. Being thankful is actually super fun. And it is impossible to spend too much time thanking and praising Him. After all, that’s what we were first and foremost created for! To glorify Yahweh.

Peace, amigos! Thanks for tuning in.

1 comment:

  1. Sisterfriend, I love to read your posts and hear your voice in every word. Love this post! Thank you for sharing your gratitude with us - makes me feel very grateful for all that I have as well. Enjoy your last moments in Spain!
