Saturday, October 13, 2012

the Borchardts visit Spain

Having planted ourselves and belongings in a few seats at a terminal in Madrid, we wait for our new favorite method of transportation to arrive: the bullet train! Way comfier than a car, bus, or plane, it will zoom us home to Sevilla in under three hours. Besides the miles upon miles of legroom we’ll be spoiled by, I’m also looking forward to being mesmerized once again by the Spanish countryside, with all its mountains and old abandoned fortresses and goat pastures and olive groves.  And a cup o’ tea with my honey beside me.

Said goodbye to my sweet and silly Borchardt family this morning! I love them so. Again and again I’m reminded of how blessed I am to be married to Zach and thus have his family live life with us, too. We had so much fun this week showing John and the girls around Sevilla and exploring Madrid. We tried new restaurants and introduced them to Spain’s delicious cuisine, toured Sevilla’s cathedral and climbed the 35 floors of La Giralda, walked the city streets by night and took a boat tour down the Gualdavivir by day, introduced them to Juan Lu and Sandra in our apartment and got dinner with them one evening, saw a flamenco show, met up with my friend Frank John in Madrid, laughed a lot, ate a lot, got caught up to speed in each other’s lives a lot, and may have had too much wine a lot. J  Gooood good times.

Perhaps a highlight of their visit for me was seeing them light up with awe at all the fascinating things Spanish culture offers the foreigner. This was their first encounter with Europe (first encounter in another country altogether for John and Mandy) and they loved it! Zach and I enjoyed teaching them what we’ve learned living here thus far, and of course the family was super impressed with Zach’s ability to communicate basically everything with Spaniards, and rightly so. He is darn good. John, Mandy, and Nicole—if you’re reading this, I want to tell you how impressed I was with your attitude of having no expectations for the trip, for trying so many new things, for being brave and using the Spanish you know, and for so quickly adopting our way of life here that is summed up in the phrase, “It’s Spain, no pasa nada!” if anything threatened to spoil plans or expectations. You guys are excellent travelers in my book. Few things thrill me more than experiencing new places in this beautiful world and when I come across people who understand that same delight and wonder, I can’t help but praise Him.

In other news:
It has happened. I had my first dream in which I was speaking Spanish.

Husband watches preschool children’s shows and reads children’s dragon fantasy novels now.

One year ago on this very day Zach asked me to marry hiiiimmmm! Was the day before Fall Break; I remember it all so clearly:)

I ate pineapple every morning for breakfast this week. Therefore I’m rockin two canker sores right now.

Visiting Madrid confirmed for me that I am not and will never be a big-city resident. No can do. It had great shopping though.

                                                             i love Zach and my seeesters! 


                                   Trying all kinds of stuff at Los Gatos with our friend Frank John!

                                                                  Soul Father loves Spain:)

1 comment:

  1. What a great time! Thanks Kris and Zach for showing us around and keeping us out of trouble! Soul Daughter we are so blessed to have you join our family and you have made Zach such a happy guy - don't sell your self so short on the language either as you seemed to do rather well & it was nice that you could both help us with the language and culture! Zach I'm so proud and amazed at how well you speak the language and fit into the culture - how neat! You both were so helpful and such great tour guides - Thank you & Love You! John B.....
