Thursday, September 6, 2012


Zachary is at a bull fight this evening with the guys from school. Yyeahh I don’t know what to think about that... actually I think it to be horrific, however, I am living in Spain so I will try to think the way a Spainard would. It’s a tradition of an art form deeply rooted in Spanish history so, I suppose it might be a unique cultural experience for him to see. I am anxious to hear about it…

This evening I’ve been in the apartment then, folding laundry and looking at facebook photos with Sandra, helping her make dinner and learning Spanish insults from her and Juan Lu at the dinner table. J It’s been a quality evening for me to just get to know them better, especially Sandra, and practice more and more Spanish. I am super excited about how much I’ve re-learned in a week! This week and next I am sitting in on a grammar class at the school, which has been helpful for review and of course, learning more…always learning more.

We are still loving this city and are excited to explore more of it this weekend, as well as intentionally make time to relax, too. We’ve been here all of eight wonderful days, yet they’ve also  been busy and hot and tired days. I feel unbalanced when I’m just go-go-going all the time, every day; giving all of my heart and energy into the fun things I’m doing for myself and my own experience. It’s even easy to fall prey to the same thing when I’m giving my time and energy to others. This semester I have no reason to be busy like all my previous years of school have been. It is perhaps the only season of my life where I am not expected to do anything but be a wife, interact with Spaniards to learn their language, allow Jesus to shape me from all lessons learned, and therefore let Him be known to others through me. Doesn’t seem too hard with a simple list like that. Yet these hopes of mine all require an open and eager heart, one that is peaceful and seeks rest frequently. One that is not overwhelmed with too large a to-do list.

Can I just say, I LOVE TO-DO LISTS! I had them every day all summer long. I had one with all my goals for this time in Spain. And I even had one this morning for the week ahead… wedding Thank Yous, update the blog, respond to friends online, buy a new waterbottle, email the lady back about when I could teach English, get homework done for class, don’t forget our first Flamenco class on Monday and showing up early to Encuentro on Wednesday to run through the songs, etcetera, etcetera, yadadada ding dong.


My new list for the weekend is… just.     To be.

And to feel no sense of, Ah, I’m in Sevilla, Spain, I’ve got to be doing something incredible all the time! We just got here and there is plenty of time to check goals off the ol’ list…

Maybe this will encourage you back home, too, to take it easy this weekend if you are able, and delight in having an open schedule. (Don’t know if that term even exists in the vocabulary of my college amigos, as I know September is very crazy month! Hang in there.) And seek peace not from any other source but the One who gives the true stuff, the real thing… transcending peace found only in the presence of our Savior (Phil 4:7).

Ok, it’s another 2am good-night from me! Zach has returned and tells me it’s a good thing I didn’t see the bulls tonight because I would have cried.

Really though, that is sad stuff… 
(anyone ever read the children's book about a happy bull named Ferdinand?  I want all bulls to have the same happy ending as he did. In a happy meadow and not dead in the ring.) 

Love to all,


  1. The book Ferdinand was one of my FAVORITES growing up. ... I probably would have cried watching the bulls too. <3

  2. Enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed skyping with you and Zac. You have inspired me to write my own blog and tell of the adventures of a man with no lists. Its all up here in the noggin sweety!! Happy dreams.

  3. I love Ernie Menchaca´s comment - but as the matter of fact - you DID INSPIRE me to write a blog and go BACK to To-Do-List´s! I know exactly what it means to yearn for a weekend to "just be" - after soaking in the new adventures and experiences - every single day! It can be drenching and tiring but you just want to dive deeper and take it all in. Amen to that! :-) Like alaways - miss ya guys!
